12 December 2010

Christmas In Heaven

Tis the season to be close to friends and family and enjoy all around merriment... for most of us.

Then there are those who are alone or missing someone who's absence is painfully felt. Feeling alone and rather unnoticed they put on a smile hoping no one will notice amongst the busyness of the season. Chances are no one will.

There is so much constantly going on in our hectic lives already, can we really be expected to slow down enough to pay attention to the widow next door, or the co-worker? There is soooooo much to do, the shopping isn't done, the Christmas baking not even started, the Christmas cards still need to be mailed, then there are Christmas parties to attend and preparation for family coming from out of town.

Take a moment and stop. This song has been playing on the radio and it makes me all out bawl every time I hear it. Not good since I'm usually driving at the time.

Who cares if they get a Christmas card really? The house doesn't have to be perfect for company and do you really need to get more presents?

What is it that matters to you?

Why not just stop, look around and see how people are really feeling? You may just look over and see that someone is driving in their car in tears because they are wishing beyond anything that they could have someone with them, and are wondering what Christmas in heaven is like.

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