It struck me that there are a lot of people out there that haven't set foot into a church in a long time.
The memories of church may be the church of your parents. Going sitting on a hard bench singing old hymns to organ music. Listening to a preacher go on about fire and brimstone. Leaving you wondering how is this relevant to my life?
Church has changed a lot. It brings a relevance to lives in a contemporary format that is both entertaining and Spirit filled.
This is not the music of years gone by.
More importantly I see how lives are changed in practical ways. I see how the power of forgiveness overcomes a multitude of sins. Today we had baptism and stories of how God has transformed lives was shared
That one was my favorite...
Yes you heard that right, spontaneous baptisms. Here's a few more
I would just like to challenge my readers, it you haven't gone to church in a while or even ever, if you are questioning the relevance of God in your life, go to a church and maybe talk to someone check it out for yourself.
Did I mention they have free babysitting during service?
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